Transform everyday tasks into triumphs!

Step into the world of unmatched efficiency with a tool that’s packed with everything your team needs to swiftly conquer digital milestones, together.

AI and product tools with dashboard - Maybe*

Maybe* is an all-in-one AI-powered digital marketing platform

In today's digital age, maintaining a consistent online presence is a challenge for most, with only 19% of businesses succeeding.

Our team comprises marketing, tech, and data experts who recognise the crucial role of digital communication in business growth. Our aim is clear: we're here to help your business succeed in the digital world.

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People working at shared table - Maybe*

Save time and money with one platform that delivers results by helping your team do their best work faster.

Boost your marketing and opperational ROI

Streamline your workflows

Collaborate seamlessly with all of your team

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A platform your team will love

Transform your communications with user-friendly AI automation, limitless social media capabilities, intelligent analytics, and awesome support.

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Facebook logo on Maybe*
Instagram logo on Maybe*
X logo on Maybe*
TikTok logo on Maybe*
Snapchat logo on Maybe*
LinkedIn logo on Maybe*
YouTube logo on Maybe*
Google logo on Maybe*
Google my business - Maybe*
Email logo on Maybe*
Text message logo - Maybe*
WhatsApp logo on Maybe*

The team

Our expert team strives to ensure that every touch point with Maybe* delivers true value to our customers at all times. Data and tech drive us, but we always remember that every business is made of people, not algorithms.

Polly Barnfield - Maybe* CEO

Polly Barnfield, OBE

Paul Inman - Maybe* CTO

Paul Inman

Emerson_Osmond - Maybe* CPO

Emerson Osmond

Nigel Jobson - Maybe* CCO

Nigel Jobson

Paul Barrett - Maybe* Chief Integrator

Paul Barrett
Chief Integrator

Sarah Bassett - Maybe* Head of Growth

Sarah Bassett
Head of Growth

Caroline Monk - Maybe* Head of Finance

Caroline Monk
Head of Finance

Carl Banbury - Maybe* Data Scientist

Carl Banbury
Data Scientist

Mafe Sanchez Espitia - Maybe* Software Engineer

Mafe Sanchez Espitia
Software Engineer

Hannah Dove - Maybe* Customer Experience
Danielle Harris - Maybe* Product Manager

Hannah Dove
Customer Experience

Danielle Harris
Product Manager

Ellie Mellor - Maybe* Product Manager

Ellie Mellor
Product Manager

Jess Savage
Head of Design

Hannah McKernon - Maybe* Head of Social

Hannah McKernon
Head of

Fiona Beckett - Maybe* Social Media Manager

Fiona Beckett
Social Media Manager

Fran Williams - Maybe* Social Media Manager

Fran Williams
Social Media Manager

Our social values

Maybe* is dedicated to bridging the digital divide for businesses by leveraging AI and data. Through partnerships with the UK Government and membership organisations, we've assisted thousands of SMEs take crucial steps towards connecting with digital customers. We are passionate about using AI to help businesses navigate the digital landscape and are led by CEO, Polly Barnfield OBE, who has a history of raising significant funds for charitable causes through digital innovation.

High Streets Task Force logo - Maybe*
UK Government logo on Maybe*
Elevator logo on Maybe*
FSB logo on Maybe*
BIRA logo on Maybe*
Essex County Council logo - Maybe*
NFU Mutual logo on Maybe*
CBRE logo on Maybe*
New River logo on Maybe*

Join thousands of other businesses

Transform your digital marketing

Join thousands of businesses relying on Maybe* to conquer digital marketing challenges.

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